Challoch Energy Ltd

Challoch Energy is a UK-based consulting engineering company. The focus of the business is renewable energy and energy efficiency. The company is headquartered in South Wales with clients across the UK.
Challoch has extensive experience and is interested in all low carbon technologies including:

  • Heat networks – design, energy sources (heat pumps, CHP, waste heat), Thermal storage options and Private Wire supplies
  • Solar PV, Wind, Green hydrogen, Batteries, Combined Heat and Power, Waste Heat Recovery, Storage & Grid Flexibility, Energy Efficiency

We are interested in offering consultancy engineering services to support development and design of technology solutions to decarbonisation related projects. We are also able to provide policy support as well as business case development.

INTERSTORES project role

Principally active in WP6

Potential Location Database – Characteristics of categoriesed locations (ERA and abroad); key regions for regionalisation potentials

Market & Potential Analysis – Fact sheets of transfer sites; Roadmap for future sTES development.

Contact person

Mr. Michael Wös - Marketing and Communications

michael.woess @ ait.ac.at

This is an extremely important element for the energy transition – storage is a key enabler and thus a vital project
Anna Limbrey