Global Energiesprong Alliance

Energiesprong delivers deep, net zero housing retrofits, creating scalable market solutions. The programme works mainly with social housing providers, tackling hundreds of homes at a time and thus reducing costs. The work combines off-site manufacturing of insulated external wall panels which are then attached to the existing wall on-site, meaning renovations are usually completed in seven to 10 days with minimum disruption for tenants.
Energiesprong was launched to address the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions from buildings, fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency, particularly in the context of existing buildings. It provides a scalable, cost-effective solution for retrofitting buildings with energy-efficient technologies. The programme aims to undertake more affordable large-scale, systematic retrofits that deliver significant energy savings and carbon reductions while improving comfort and reducing energy bills for residents. The renovations achieve an average of 70-80% reduction in energy use. The programme started in The Netherlands and is now active in seven countries and has delivered more than 10,000 net zero retrofit projects

INTERSTORES project role

Energiesprong will add an end-user perspective of housing organisations and local authorities that plan a district-wide switch to solutions combining renewable energies and deep energy retrofit to support the market uptake of the sTES. Its stronger inputs will be into market uptake analysis in local authorities and housing markets and support to diffusion in its network of stakeholders of Positive Energy Districts.

Contact person

Mr. Michael Wös - Marketing and Communications

michael.woess @