Exciting developments as the INTERSTORES Project kick-off meeting took place in the city of Ingolstadt, Germany from 22nd to 23rd January 2024.

The kick-off meeting for the INTERSTORES Project took place in Ingolstadt on January 22-23, 2024. Coordinated by the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and hosted by Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI). The kick-off meeting marked the beginning of a collaboration towards re-designing seasonal thermal energy storage (sTES) using natural and recycled infrastructures, in correlation with key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The meeting brought together a diverse Consortium of partners from across Europe, encompassing 13 partners from 8 countries. It offered a platform for each partner to introduce themselves and present work packages.
Partners: The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Energiesprong GreenFlex Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts IN-Campus GmbH INC InoSens doo Planungsgruppe M+M AG Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Vantaan Energia Oy VTT WIZ Research
A highlight of the event was a visit to the incampus, one of the Project’s demo sites which are central to the INTERSTORES objectives.
The INTERSTORES Project’s goal is to apply the advancements in aTES to the demonstration sites and to maximise their replication potential. This approach will be accompanied by research and application into European transfer sites, regional markets and new business opportunities.
The Project focuses on 2 key variants of sTES: Reno-sTES (reused infrastructure turned into sTES) and Giga-CTES (large-scale cavern thermal energy storage), aiming to demonstrate their technological, economic and environmental advantages. Two demo sites are exhibiting a key aspect of seasonal thermal energy storage solutions in Europe’s future energy systems – the integration of multiple tunable solutions. The demo sites should reveal variations regarding optimal design, integration potential on different scales, operating conditions, costs, environmental impacts and benefits. Additionally, INTERSTORES emphasises the replication potential of these technologies across Europe, supported by research on regional market adaptability and new business opportunities.
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