PUBLICATION: New Research Paper on sTES systems by INTERSTORES Team

We are excited to announce the publication of a research paper by Dr. Christoph Bott (MLU), Dr. Abdulrahman Dahash (AIT), MSc Maximilian Noethen (MLU) and Prof. Dr. Peter Bayer (MLU) titled “Influence of thermal energy storage basins on the subsurface and shallow groundwater,” in the Journal of Energy Storage.

The paper introduces a novel modelling and simulation framework designed to enhance the design and operation of ground-based seasonal Thermal Energy Storage (sTES) systems with a detailed analysis of the environmental impacts of thermal energy storage, particularly focusing on subsurface and groundwater interactions.

Key modeling domains of sTES: a) seasonal thermal energy storage, b) surrounding environment, and c) energy system. BIO-CHP: combined heat and power plant based on bioenergy. Authors: C. Bott, A. Danash, M. Noethen, P. Bayer

This research marks a significant step forward in understanding and optimizing seasonal thermal energy storage systems. We congratulate the authors on their exceptional work and look forward to seeing the impact of this publication on future energy storage solutions.

Full paper!